December 2023

Our AGM held in November was well attended and members who were there saw the following changes:

We accepted with regret the resignation of Stewart Rice, former chairman and long time member of the club. Stewart feels his current health issues preclude him from attending committee meetings on a regular basis and would prefer to stand down for a time. The membership sends him our good wishes for a speedy improvement in his health in the near future. 

Alan Isaac has received some better news recently re his cancer diagnosis and hopes to return to attendance in the future. In the meantime his wife, Carol will act as his proxy at committee meetings.

It was unanimously decided by the membership attending that Derek Smith, known to us all as Del, will fill the vacancy on the committee. All other committee members were proposed, seconded and duly appointed by the membership attending. 

John Moore remains as chairman; Malcolm Vile as Vice-Chairman; Steve Williams as Secretary and Tina Slade (Wood) as treasurer. Keith White agreed to continue as our President for another year.

The financial statement for the year was read out and accepted by those attending.

It was proposed that due to the increased costs involved in the running of the club that the membership fee needs to be increased. After much discussion is was decided to increase the annual subscription to £14.00. Members please note subscriptions will be taken at the January and February meetings please.

Unfortunately our very popular refreshments, if kept to the same standard, will also need to be increased to cover costs. After much discussion it was agreed to continue with existing choices of food items but to increase the cost to £1.00 per item for food but tea/coffee etc to be 50p a cup. This was happily accepted.

In light of this increased expenditure charitable donations made by MDTEMG have had to be slightly reduced to enable the club to retain a working balance and contingency. 

Full details of all the above will appear in the next Newsletter to be published in January. WE ARE DESPERATE for articles for the winter Newsletter so if you have anything that might be of interest to other members please send it to Tina as soon as possible.