Mid Devon Tractor, Engine & Machinery Group
A club formed in the county of Devon, England in October 1982 originally “… to stimulate interest in all types of old vehicles and machinery.” Its members care for, restore and operate some of the iconic machinery that has helped Devon farming and country life over the last 100 years.
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Latest Update
Club Working Day – held on 14th Sept.
Considering how wet it had been over the so called summer we were incredibly lucky to have great weather for this working day.
More details and pictures
Club Gas-Up and Road-run – held on 5th October
A very successful event well attended by our members and made all the more eventful as we were joined by Gordon’s new neighbours and their traction engines, quite a novelty for us. We are hoping that this will become a regular feature at this event. Thanks to all those who brought their stationary engine and tractors on the day.
More details and pictures
AGM – held on 20th November
Well attended meeting as usual. The committee remains the same following the usual format of proposals and seconders. There is however a vacancy for Vice Chairman as Malcolm felt he’d served for long enough and wasn’t in a position to take over as Chairman. John Moore has made it clear he would like to, at least, have some help with the position. It would be good to have someone ‘learning the ways’ so he can relinquish the job in the future. All the committee will be available to help and assist anyone thinking of volunteering!!
The annual accounts were produced and discussed. We have ended the year with slightly less mainly due to rising costs; the purchase of a new sound system and the cancellation of the Spring Working Day due to bad weather. As a consequence donations to charity will be reduced this year. All details can be found in the January Newsletter.
We have been informed by our Insurance Agent that he has retired so the insurance availability we have enjoyed for some 20-odd years via BAVCC is no longer open to us. Unfortunately we were only informed of this in November and we have been trying to obtain an alternative on a similar basis. This has proved to be extremely difficult to date but we are still researching the matter and hope to be able to inform our members before subscriptions become due in January.
See our updates page for all updates.
For Sale
TEF 20 tractor, commission no TEF 333686 – engine number SA22190E Built at Banner Lane Coventry in 1953 Registered with DVLA – V5 present – reg no 388VXD.
Plates made up but not fitted to tractor.
Condition – is a runner, but requires restoration of tin work and servicing of brakes. Tyres hold air, but need replacing. Engine does not smoke. Hydraulics operational.

Contact Tony Matthews
01647 24395 / 07758828411
2 x LISTER 611 Diesel Engines
1 x radiator cooler
Contact Kevin Endacott for details
01363 866277
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